Hi and thanks for visiting my webpage. If you found this page, you’re most likely looking for things related to accessibility or audio creation from the perspective of a blind person. if you’d rather listen or watch a video that…
How the Apple iPhone allows me to live independently as a blind person
So back in 2007 before I deployed to the Middle East with The United States Army, I purchased the very first iPhone. At the time of course I could see and I did not have a disability like the one…
Arturia Accessibility zoom webinar
Hey everybody! This YouTube video link was an event I worked on with a friend named Jason Dasent who is a music producer & musician from Trinidad based in London, England. The webinar was focused on Arturia’s recent accessibility release…
Happy New Year!
Hello good people, I am excited for the new year and a brighter future… This past year has definitely been challenging for me, but I can only imagine the challenges others faced. My goal was to stay productive and so…
Hard at school work!
Hey everybody, Just wanted to keep people informed about what’s going on with the personal website and podcast. Currently I am spending a lot of time on my schoolwork, which involves audio recording and music production. I have been attending…
I’ve been everywhere man!
Hello fine people following the blog! Sorry I have been bad about keeping up with my podcast and blog, but things will be coming soon. Stay tuned!
Climbing blind in 2020
Help us inspire everyone to climb higher in 2020! Visit blindendeavors.org/summit to learn about a small team that still has vision without sight. 😎 #BlindEndeavors #7Summits #BlindClimbers
Sorry for the radio silence
Hey everyone, I know it’s been a long time and I apologize for this, but I have been working on some new projects that will be part of the Baskis 360 experience. My focus has also been on trying to…
The Baskis 360° YouTube/podcast show
Stay tuned! Here in February 2019 I will be more consistent with producing a weekly show. The show title: Baskis 360° What is the show about? Well, I’ve had a lot of great experiences over the years and I’ve met…
Brief Introduction to a Smart Home
[av_image src=’https://www.stevebaskis.com/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/images/placeholder.jpg’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’…