Inventive mind: technology to help the blind cross intersections safely

In this modern technological world we live in, I believe there should be some technology that assists the blind A bit more when traveling through intersections. The technology that I briefly mentioned in this video, would be technology or software that would alert drivers of blind individuals crossing intersections. We can expand on this technology and add additional support for other things, but I wanted to start a conversation about this idea I have. Please remember, this is an idea that I dreamt up and I did not search the Internet to see if there are technologies or software that are working in the real world as we speak. Please feel free to visit my website and write me about my idea and point me to others who have spoke about the same thing, or even the real technology that exists in our world today.

Inventive mind is a short show on YouTube discussing future technologies that could exist. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns? Contact form is located at